用于FLIR热敏摄像机的工作空间OEM热敏晶片系统是参数化的热成像检测系统(OEM套件),用于检查生产质量,生产质量控制和垃圾填埋场的防火,焚烧厂为公共废物,仓库和工业运营单位。The ThermoInspector system has been proven to work in many various area of industry: plastic, glass, steel, foundry, wood, paper and chemical industries, etc. The advantage of the Workswell OEM ThermoInspector is full compatibility with FLIR GigE thermo cameras, i.e. Automation series FLIR Ax5, A315 and A615, Science series FLIR A325sc and A655sc and also with FLIR cooled thermal cameras, which enables easy integration and the use in various applications.