Windmoller&Holscher Transystems用于材料流的自动元件用于互连块茎和底部的物流。根据特定生产需求,可提供储存带或自动管存储系统。由于跨塔,底部从未耗尽管供电。通过冷静系统元件将麻袋包送到Arcomat 2机器人码垛机或旋转袋上的滚动卷筒卷绕机。这是在底部的下游完成的。还可以使用元素完成最后压制麻袋包。Transystems提供了几个优点。增加的底部输出提高了生产率。还有劳动力节省和节省资本,在半成品中锁定。必威体育app官方下载配置非常空间友好。 Both semi-finished and finished products are protected from any in-plant handling and transport damages. The systems remove repetitive and physically taxing work. This results in lower health-related expenses. The system can adapt to any on-site installation requirements. Another highlight is the near-unlimited add-on capability. This includes not only older machines, but also machines not made by W&H.