该系统由动力控制系统、液压系统和液位传感器监控系统组成。电力控制系统包括一套总电站、一套配电柜和一套本地电柜。在每个泵站安装液位传感器系统,可以同时监测液位情况,也可以监测提升过程中的液位精度。液压系统由多个子泵站和升降机组成。每台泵配有举升装置。每个泵站配有一套本地动力柜,可单独升降和调整配板精度。当然,这个系统可以同时起升。产品特点及应用该设备主要用于立式罐体自上而下施工。2.Also it can be used for mega work piece jacking or lifting. Features 1.The system consists of hydraulic pump station, cylinders, steel wire, and strokes. Easy to installation and operation; 2.The system utilizes PLC central control to handle lift. Each power pack is equipped with auxiliary balance device to guarantee the precision of simultaneously lifting. 3.Hydraulic lift pump station has subsidiary manual control and central control two operation models. The cylinder can be adjusted to lift separately or to lift with several others as one group, and multi groups can also be integrated to lift reach better precision and better welding effect.