温州鼎鼎仪器制造有限公司的高频数字测量传感器被设计为提供精确但易于操作的服务。这些产品具有必威体育app官方下载不同的测试模式,为数据的存储和输入提供了方便。这些数据将用于进一步的统计分析。此外,它们允许操作人员输入由重力引起的局部加速度,以获得更准确的响应。特点:1。高精度、高分辨率。2.5种测试模式,3种显示方式可供选择----,最大限度地提高测试效率。3.N(牛顿)、kg(千克)和Ib(磅)三种计量单位可供选择和换算。 4.6 digits large screen display. 5.Setting function of gravity acceleration----User can input at your option the accurate value of gravity acceleration at the using place so as to make the testing and unit conversion be more accurate. 6.2 sets mounting dimensions, it is applied for most testing platforms domestically and easy for users to install it to platform. 7.Special testing function of make-break ability of switch contact to make the make-break testing be more accurate. 8.LCD overturn display press "print" key can make the value reverse 180°,convenience for looking the measuring value from different angles. 9.Reset quickly when system halted accidentally install reset key on the side , then press the key swith can make power off. 10.Data storage function. 896 testing values can be stored.