该系列设备具有加热、冷却、保温、搅拌配制等功能。该容器按《钢制压力容器技术条件》进行设计加工。选用的规格为0.05m3~5.0m3不同容积。也可根据客户的实际工艺要求进行设计加工。采用夹层结构,具有加热面积大、焊接面积小等优点。轴封采用卫生级硬质合金和碳化硅204平衡机械密封,抗磨损、抗压。转速为60~82 r/m,也可通过变频器进行调速。接口采用国际通用标准ISO标准快速安装卡盘式,材质为进口316L或304。内表面Ra≤0.28μm镜面抛光,外表面采用半光泽抛光处理。可供选择的液位计有玻璃管式液位计、静压传感器式液位计和超声波液位计。 The structure forms are divided into upward and downward round sealing head or downward reverse convex bottom upward round sealing head structure, which can guarantee no residual of liquid medicine. The jacket structure forms for selection are divided into standard jacket external coiled tube jacket, and honeycombed jacket. The structure is the combination of upward and downward round sealing head and standard layer jacket. It has large jacket space and large heating area, which can reduce the welding seam.