快速拾取经典旋转铣床。得更快。接经典!拾音器代表高速单元开关。拾取是一种特殊的加工中心,由于端铣主轴或角头,可以在瞬间完全从旋转转换为铣削操作。拾取操作使用weinCAD®编程系统。捡起来!捡起来!Pick up加速了塑料工业的成功,并在注塑机和挤出机的螺丝生产方面在世界范围内崭露头角。机械、软件和支持的组合在全球是独一无二的。 This whirling process optimises the manufacture of all standard extrusion and injection moulding screws for the plastics industry by means of end, special end, and circumferential milling and hobbing. Therefore, if you are looking for the best possible solution, you merely need to pick up a pick up.