深层LPR / ANPR船上加工AI加速器3X Intel Myriad X VPU车牌识别/自动编号板识别自动化解决方案停车和交通管理AI的检测系统可以可靠地识别车牌,无论车辆类型,人物,速度和交通密度如何- 即使在困难的观察角度下,光和天气条件也是如此。除了数字板外,还可以识别其他功能:车辆类型,道路状况等。关键的外卖 - 4K视频每秒30到160帧(FPS) - 全球快门 - 集成LED照明(白色或IR) - 电动zoom and focus Automatic Number Plate Recognition High End AI system with best price-performance ratio Wahtari’s ANPRCam automatically identifies and reads license plates of approaching vehicles, achieving far better results than conventional systems. By combining deep learning and edge computing, the weaknesses of previous ANPR systems have been eliminated and costs reduced. The Wahtari ANPRCam therefore not only convinces with a hit rate of over 99% and ultra-fast detection of 50-100ms, but also with its good price-performance ratio. Customers also appreciate the wide range of plug-ins and interfaces, which allows individual adjustments to the ANPRCam to be made even at a later stage. Diverse Fields of Application Automated solutions for parking and traffic management Typical applications of Wahtari’s ANPR solution include vehicle access control, e.g., via black & white lists, automatic billing of e.g., tolls and parking tickets, and free-flow applications in multi-story car parks or other constellations where RFID transponders are unsuitable.