适用于在低功率范围内灵活和刚性安装的柴油主推进和辅助驱动。MEGIFLEX B是一种通用的、高度灵活的耦合。MEGIFLEX B采用模块化设计,结合压缩元件,是VULKAN系列产品的补充,包括小型VULKARDAN E和VULASTIK L联轴器的扭矩范围。由于其扭转柔软、减震性能和高径向、轴向和角位移能力,橡胶元件可以满足高度多样化的要求。典型的应用是在主推进系统;特别是小的豆荚,或辅助驱动器,如PTO/PTI与连接的动力单元。MEGIFLEX B有15种尺寸,每一种都有2种橡胶刚度等级,根据系列的不同,可以径向安装或轴向插入。除了紧凑的设计,双万向MEGIFLEX B系列是一个灵活的高位移和扭转驱动轴广泛的安装情况。MEGIFLEX B设计有一个内置的故障安全装置。通过模块化设计; it can endure high radial, axial and angular displacements and as a torsionally flexible cardan shaft, the MEGIFLEX B can be used in various applications for the highest solution flexibility. Effective vibration damping and a high displacement capacity guarantee the protection of connected machinery and thus a high availability of the drive system Easy installation as elements either assembled axial bolted or plugged in Noise dampening for highest comfort Standards