1.技术类型:热氧化。2.可去除的污染物所有碳氢化合物。3.可达到超过99%的收集效率。4.I.T.R.是Amboso公司为其具有固有热回收的新型再生式焚烧炉厂所选择的名称,即热能以最大可能效率在厂内回收的燃烧系统。与其他减排系统相比,再生燃烧单元(焚烧炉)是焚烧任何类型的挥发性有机化合物的理想气体形式,也在低浓度(氯化和非氯化溶剂,易燃化合物,碳氢化合物,气味);此外,它还具有最大限度地降低运行成本和一次能源消耗的优点。 The contaminants in the gaseous stream are eliminated by exposing them for a period of time in accordance with current regulations and at a temperature such that complete oxidation is always guaranteed. Likewise for this type of plant (exactly as for the catalytic incinerator) the combustion products formed by the exothermic reaction are mainly carbon dioxide and water vapour.