就像所有由Velo Acciai建造的所有楼梯一样,我们的缠绕楼梯完全由不锈钢制成。它们具有中央核心,步骤安装在其中;然后将它们压实并拧紧到末端的管子和最终的电挖水板上,该凸缘也用作固定基座。标准型号还包括扶手,而Lux型号配有螺旋管的全长小柱,特别适合客房和室内设施。在这两个版本中,螺旋楼梯是用AISI 304不锈钢电镀,手工亮起。技术特性整体尺寸的直径为1,560毫米,而每步的高度为216毫米。它们在120 x 120托盘上运输,6米的卡车可以携带100米的螺旋楼梯。高度没有限制,并进行订购。认证和标准由Velo Acciai制造的绕组楼梯的生产过程是ISO 9001:2000 Vision认证。楼梯还经历了一系列内部测试和检查。 Advantages -They feature a self-supporting structure and can be even installed in hard to reach places. -They require no welding during mounting operations. -They require no maintenance since they are entirely made of stainless steel. -They feature slip-proof steps. -They are quickly and easily mounted. -They take up little room when transported. -Their modular structure makes them extremely versatile to meet even the most particular requirements. -They are hand burnished to a shine.