第一个无维护的多气体DGA监视器不需要任何类型的消耗品。现在,采用开创性,准确和可靠的方法来检测环境空气泄漏到您的电源变压器中 - 总气压。那就是Optimus™Opt100。没有载体或校准气体可监视或更换。没有内部列或测量组件要替换。没有固定的过滤器/过滤器轮,膜或毛细管来维修或更换。在任何地方工作:卓越的性能和耐用性。那就是Optimus™Opt100。不锈钢管,IP66级,温度控制的外壳,磁泵和阀门。由于无需使用消耗品即可或更换,Optimus™Opt100简单地工作 - 从北极到热带地区。 No false alarms: Peace of mind. That’s Optimus™ OPT100. Its IR sensor is based on our core measurement technology and all critical sensors are manufactured in our cleanrooms. Vacuum gas extraction brings stable readings without data fluctuation due to oil temperature, pressure or type. The hermetically sealed and protected optics prevent sensor contamination. Intelligent and hassle-free: Online interface. That’s Optimus™ OPT100. No need for additional software. Its field-savvy design makes installation quick — just connect oil, power and data, and you’re set. Self-diagnostics allow the monitor to adjust automatically, even after power failure.