单光束落后和倒车桥式起重机目前在封闭和开放区域的几乎所有行业中使用。广泛的应用:从主流中的简单intrashop物流操作开始到高精度定位时,在飞机行业中创建复杂的零件。集团公司“Uralkran”将在现场30天内生产标准的单梁桥式起重机,最接近您的生产。执行标准合同将不超过12小时。起重机配备了自己生产的电缆葫芦。我们自己的运输尽快提供成品,随着在线监测的可能性,执行“乌拉兰服务”。单梁桥式起重机优势:整体起重机的最小重量;高可用性组合;货运精密定位,带无线电或吊坠控制单元的舒适起重机控制;软化机制; Wide range of additional options. Single-beam bridge cranes performance specifications: Carrying capacity, t: 1; 2; 3,2; 5; 6,3; 10; 12,5; 16 Spane of crane, m: to 28,5 Mode of operation of the crane: Through А5 Carrier beam: flanged beam or box-section beam Lifting mechanism: hoist with travel mechanism with traveling brake Crane control: with pendant control unit (travel with hoist) or radio control Climatic category, °C: Y3.1 (-10...+40)