本机采用UniSmartcut激光切割技术和智能数字控制系统。有了这种激光切割机,切割的深度可以精确控制,使它们成为模切板的理想材料,通常中密度纤维板为此目的可以激光切割成任何形状,以显示任何设计,最大限度。切割深度为200mm。特点1。UL-D系列采用高品质CO2激光管,特殊设计的光路加工传输系统,运动部件由DSP数字控制系统驱动,得到高品质的加工解决方案,不会损坏加工材料。2.由于光路设计稳定,切割功率不受光路距离的影响,该技术可以保证加工区域内相同的切割孔径。3.专业的激光切割软件,内置功能强大,人机界面友好,操作方便,也适合CAD/CAM自动编程和优化排版搭配。4. Standard industrial computer configuration, high speed analog input and output & digital input and output module. 5. To make sure die board laser cutting machine reliable operation, this machine apply non-oil air compressor, refrigerated air dryer, high precision filter, exhaust fan. Technical Specification Product Model - UL-D Series Laser type - CO2 laser, Safety Class 4 Laser Power - 300-400W Cutting Area(mm) - 1200×1200 Max. working clamp area(mm) - 2440X1200 Laser power adjustable - 0-100% by manual or automatic (it can be setup in software and hardware)