Cimex-Encap是一种高效、低成本、低湿度的地毯清洗系统。什么是cimex包衣?使用Cimex机器可以有效地清洗地毯。这3个Cimex刷子是反向旋转的,可以从各个方向刷洗地毯的纤维——所有这些都是一次性完成的。这也提供了统一应用的Cimex Encap解决方案,提供了更彻底的清洁。当清洗地毯时,Cimex三刷系统的效率是单盘旋转的六倍。它最适合做什么?刷子或特殊垫可用于Cimex-Encap:刷子刷子是理想的中等绒毛地毯。柔软的纤维在地毯上是温和的,有助于扩展Cimex-Encap解决方案。垫子在低绒地毯上使用垫子。 Cimex-Encap pads provide greater contact area than the brushes. Greater contact area helps achieve enhanced agitation of the carpet fibres. Whole pad surface is saturated which ensures even application of Cimex-Encap solution. A set of pads can clean approximately 800 - 1000m2. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF CIMEX ENCAP? The system features polymer chemistry that encapsulate dirt for cleaner carpets for longer Cleans up to 300 m² per hour Specialised cleaning solution applied using Cimex three-brush scrubbing machine Deep cleaning restores brightness to even heavily soiled carpets Low moisture cleaning so carpets dry quickly No soil attracting residues, which means that carpets stay cleaner for longer Eliminates wicking problems – stains do not appear on the surface as the carpet dries