AirgoClean®-强大品牌。明确的信息。清洁空气。名称说明一切:AirgoClean®是Trotec的品牌名称,在私人环境中提供舒适的空气净化。在这里,AirgoClean®One是我们对会议室、候诊室、医疗和兽医诊所、律师事务所或高级私人环境中的病毒过滤和永久性空气污染控制的第一和第一个建议。很多事情都可以做得更好。但AirgoClean®One并非如此。我们不得不承认,相当多的空气净化器给人留下了良好的第一眼印象。但从长远来看,他们中的许多人迟早会面临上气不接下气的危险。永久运转,24小时不间断的空气净化,不间断的病毒过滤——这会损耗材料,你必须为它而造。 Just like Trotec's AirgoClean® One. It is no coincidence that with the AirgoClean® One you benefit from an equally durable and user-friendly construction with effective 360° air routing and long filter lifetimes – after all, it is a high-performance air purifier originally produced by Trotec, developed and manufactured in Germany according to the highest quality standards, which houses only efficient branded components of the latest generation of technology supplied by leading component manufacturers. Each quality filter integrated is produced in Germany, tested and certified individually. The effectiveness of the H14 HEPA filter system of this high-performance air purifier has been scientifically proven!