铁路产品 - 空气干必威体育app官方下载燥机•设计用于机车的设计•非挥发性记忆系统•自动清除控制阀•固定音量自动排水阀操作从压缩机中潮湿的空气潮湿的空气通过顶部歧管进入预滤波器。水和石油在这里合并。用水和油的冷凝物被排水阀排出。漏极阀定期由控制器打开。专门设计的排水阀仅排放固定量的冷凝水,并最大程度地减少空气损失。然后,空气穿过进气门和干燥塔。在干燥塔中,激活的氧化铝吸附了空气中存在的水蒸气,并发出所需露点的干燥空气。可能来自干燥剂床的细氧化铝粉由后过滤器去除。干净干燥的压缩空气通过出口班车和清除控制阀放出。清除控制阀膜片感应出口流,因此,清除空气端口尺寸面积变化。 This varies the amount of Purge Air during regeneration in proportion to the flow of compressed air through the dryer. It is also a function of the inlet pressure and hence only uses purge air in proportion to the moisture load. The two towers operate alternately in the drying and regeneration phases. In the regeneration phase dry purge air is passed through the tower under regeneration and released into the atmosphere. Under given operating conditions (service pressure of 10.5 Kg/cm2 (g)) 10% of the airflow is used for regeneration. A fixed quanity of air is purged during very low flows.