氧气是卫生保健中心和医院最重要的临床气体。没有一个现代化的医院可以不使用氧气发生器。纯氧是手术室麻醉、病人呼吸和重症监护或新生儿病房必不可少的资源。对这种气体的持续高需求给医院带来了大量开支。目前,医院从大量氧气发生器制造商购买氧气。大量的氧气以液态和气态的形式购买。这些氧气来源可能会成为经济负担,因为大医院一年在氧气供应上花费的钱更多。幸运的是,医用氧气可以在任何医院、诊所或卫生保健中心以更经济有效的方式就地产生。利用变压吸附法产生氧气并供其使用,从而使保健中心能够自给自足地满足其氧气需求。PSA法能在中等容量下产生氧气。 This is ideal for an on-site hospital unit, because it is a safe process with reasonable energy and area requirements. And acceptable as per USP and Global standards. (Read Catalouge for detailed Principle and Details) Benefits •Produce as per Demand •Avoid Cylinder Availability Issues. •Avoid Logistics and Management Problem •Faster payback period within a year and lesser •Eliminate safety risk associated with handling high pressure cylinders. Other Applications •Fish Farming •Sewage Treatment •Veterinary •Welding And Brazing •Battery Manufacturing •Cement And Lime Kilns