亮度仪表BM-9的继承模型。探测器单元是可拆卸,重量轻,小尺寸仪器。Outline New BM-9A小,紧凑,方便的亮度计。您可以从具有差异测量角度的三个型号中选择探测器单元,您可以使用BM-9A进行多种目的。探测器单元和主体可拆卸,因此BM-9A适用于集成测量系统并在生产线中使用。功能■方便,价格低廉,多功能。■检测器单元可从三种类型中选择,可互换。■BM-9A可通过USB电缆连接到PC。所以生产线和测量系统中使用的BM-9A。■键盘单元使您可以进入校正因子并进行差异测量。 Principal use ■ Measurement of luminance for LCD,PDP, OLED,LED, CCFL. ■ Measurement of transmittance of Polarizing plate, films, and filters. ■ Measurement of luminance in Road and Road tunnel illumination light. ■ Measurement for sign illumination lights in airports and see port. ■ Measurement for medical illumination and electric karte, and Schaukasten. ■ Measurement of uniformity of License plate. ■ Measurement for variety illumination facilities. ■ Measurement of luminance of the leading block for visually handicapped. ■ Measurement of reflection light from floor.