由于其高脆性和硬度,大多数陶瓷不能通过传统金属工具加工。相反,我们使用金刚石磨削工具来机器。想象一下,我们在混凝土墙上锤子制作一个洞。这正是用金刚石磨削工具加工陶瓷的准确性。每个钻石颗粒固定在工具上用作锤子。所以基本上,它就像用无数数量的锤子打破陶瓷墙。锤一般来来有各种不同的尺寸和形状。当需要强度时,使用具有扁平锤头的较大锤子。如果需要精度,则使用具有尖锐边缘的较小锤子。这同样适用于金刚石研磨工具。 Diamond grains also vary in sizes (so-called grit) and shapes. The larger the grit, the smaller the grain size. The smaller the grit, the coarser the grains are. As for the shapes, the grains with sharp edges have shorter life but can remove surface material on impact, whereas those with blunt edges have less wear and longer life. For better efficiency in rough machining, we use a diamond grinding tool with coarser grains which can last longer. However, for precision machining, we choose the one with sharp-edged smaller grains. Also, hammers come in a variety of materials such as iron, copper, and plastic. Similarly, in diamond grinding tools, there are different kinds of bonds, such as electroplate, metal, resin, and vitrified, are used to fix diamond grains on a tool.