适用于玻璃杯、水壶、面盆、水桶、浴缸等。这些多功能臭氧发生器有一个臭氧出口,在其中一个管连接,以使它能够到水。他们也可以用来引导管道到另一个房间或小冰箱或冷冻室。如果不关闭风机,排出的空气将带走并分散臭氧,从而有效地处理空气。Top Ozono的所有发电机都是用工业部件制造的。他们没有计划报废。与市场上的所有发电机一样,它们没有运行时间的限制。P-500-AC多功能臭氧发生器这些发电机的多功能性在于它们可以处理液体,也可以处理空气。要处理空气,你只需要断开管道和设备的风扇将臭氧分配到整个房间。连接它只需要一个插座。 The wall model can be fixed to the wall or used on a worktop. They are designed to be placed on the kitchen counter or on any table, or fixed to the wall, to ozonate the water contained in glasses, bottles, carafes or buckets. To do this, you just have to connect the tube to the generator's Ozone outlet, the other end connect it to a diffuser to introduce the Ozone conductive tube into the container and start the machine. It has an adjustable timer and an on / off button. O3 production: 500 mg / h Weight: 4.2 Kg Size: 34 x 17 x 17 cm Consumption: 0.2 A