这是Hi-Gravitational桶整理机,增加磨削功率,但减少磨料介质的磨损。稳定的加压质量流量(专利)增强了磨料培养基的性能至最大值。强大的温和的压力高于离心机精加工机。正常的离心机精加工机为6克。但是,强大的温和是40克。*利用3种优点,从传统的离心筒整理机做出很大差异。施加磨料磨损磨损运行成本效应的减少。减少25%,高达75%。缩短过程时间。减少60%,高达70%。 〇 Quality improvement Reduction of impingement. Improvement of surface roughness. Improvement of gloss. Excellent in polishing inner corners and burrs on the inner edges. 〇 Labor saving and reduction operation errors Improvement of usability Reliable set up without tools. *Application Automotive and Transportation Equipment: CVT parts, Valve sheet, Vane, Sealing, Small gear Machine Elements Precision/Medical : Chain, 3D cam, Bearing, Bush, Lens, Probe, Watch stem, Implant Electric and Electronic : Ceramic, Capacitor, Neodymium magnet, Crystal resonator, Ferrule, Seal ring Ornament and Daily Necessaries : Jewelry, Accessories, Wind insrument parts, Fishing rod parts, Glass beads