电池比重计(电池酸测试仪) - 专业电池比重计(自动测试仪)。- 坚固的设计,带直玻璃缸/管。- 手持测试仪读取电池酸的特定重力。- 准确易于阅读电池酸测试。- 红色,白色和绿色电池充电水平指示器。- 充电电池充电后可以立即检查电解质的比重。概述此自动测试仪BT-902电池期(电池酸测试仪)已制造以提供准确的测试读数。浮子是该仪器的关键部分。在处理和使用中照顾它。基本上有两种类型的测试,然后选择要运行的类型:•第一种类型是您为电池充电的一种类型,以查看所有单元格是否接受全部充电。 • The second is where you allow the battery to become discharged and make your measurement at that point. This allows you to see if one or two cells are discharging faster than the others. This is a fairly good test to see if a cell has lost capacity. A test cannot be made properly unless each battery cell has enough fluid to allow the float to rise freely. You will not get an accurate reading if water has been just recently added to the cells. Application TO PREPARE INSTRUMENT FOR USE AUTO TESTER • Remove instrument carefully from card. • Grasp hexagonal side of rubber tip at base of instrument and remove it from glass barrel. • Remove float from glass barrel by slowly pulling longer end of protective styrofoam strip. • Wet inside of glass barrel and re-insert rubber tip. • Now the battery tester is ready for use.