TC625是真正的数字控制的5轴锯切和成型中心。它可以自动在任何形状的所有方向和轮廓部分中切割。工作能力 - MM行程X - 3970行程Y - 2300行程Z - 500锯容量 - 毫米切割厚度 - 200分钟。盘直径 - 300最大。圆盘直径 - 650轴 - 速度m / min x - 40 y - 40 z - 15 a轴倾斜:0°/ 90°C轴旋转:±200°主轴电机电源:13.2kw(S6)工具旋转速度:0/6000 TR / min总重量:7700千克标准设备:交叉激光线激光机械焊接墙壁 - 快速开口外壳触控遥控器 - 工作表3600x2000mm可伸缩前台 - 机门19“控制台电气柜 - 1/ 2工具气体适配器可选额外额外:铣削工具浇水 - 大尺寸法兰相机 - 工具磨削ACS磨料(角度切割解决方案) - AVS(自动真空溶液最大500kg)倾斜桌面床厚度传感器 - 工具sensor Software: Included: Pilot® - Interface developed by Thibaut logo pilot by thibaut Express Jobs - Powerful program including parametric shapes, very easy to use Optional: T’Shape - 3D shaping software T’Cut - 2D cutting software Vein Matching Software - Software for 3D visualization of pieces with their veins eT’CAM - 2D shaping software designed for decoration T’CAD/T’CAM - 3D design and shaping software Available versions: Monobloc : Monobloc structure composed of low walls and beams in hot-galvanized steel M : Mechanically welded structure consisting of low walls on feet TOPS (Thibaut Optimized Processing Solution) : through feed system to optimize the production of slabs