织带是在特殊的纺织机器上生产的,以获得完美的两边边和恒定的尺寸。它们可以用不同的编织方式生产——平纹、斜纹、双层……也可以多层缝制。如有特殊用途,可采用石墨、聚四氟乙烯、淀粉、硅化、橡胶、铝化、焦糖化等处理。梯带:在织造过程中,可以消除一些经纱,以便在带(梯子)的中心留下一个漏洞,以便在有螺栓或螺丝的情况下更容易安装。管状套筒:通过特殊的双编工艺,我们可以生产出不同直径和厚度的扁平无弹性管状套筒。绝缘胶带:它们的厚度为0.5毫米,用于绝缘和隔热。用途:用于管道、软管、电缆、厂房的保温和热保护。炉具、锅炉门、炉具、壁炉、伸缩缝的密封接头。量程:标准10至320毫米;厚度可达10mm。 Clothes They are produced on special textile machines in oder to obtain clothes with several kinds of weights and thicknesses. They can be produced by different kinds of weaving-plain, twill, douple… and they can be treated in several ways both for special purposes and in order to increase some peculiarities. Application: Thermal insulation, heat and fire protection for big plant, welding protective clothing, expansion joints, sealing products.