生产率优化转向稳定性定向锁定改善转弯转向,以及在长距离直线移动。灵活的锁定功能两个独立的驱动系统在一个脚轮。快速维护旋转轴承采用长寿命润滑脂润滑,并配有润滑脂接头,易于维护。优化的方向锁方向锁可以调整到您的要求,2 x 180°或4 x 90°。轴向沟槽球轴承具有双重用途轴承和圆锥滚子轴承,在高负载下具有良好的旋转性能。安全低振动运输特别柔软的车轮,具有良好的减震性能。可靠的牵引优化的履带,在湿滑的地面上安全的抓地力。固定安装板用螺栓和螺母主销固定安装板。符合人体工程学的使用优化滚动阻力的车轮,减轻用户的负载。增加职业安全部分弹性足部保护,减少事故。 Also used on uneven floors. Secure stance Total lock for simultaneously locking the wheel and swivel housing. Design Colour matching Colours can be adapted to match the product design. Individual branding Engraved, cast or printed. Durability Certified quality Tested in our own test laboratory for compliance with European standards. Extra heavy duty construction Welded solid steel construction for highest load capacity. Low wear and tear wheels Durable wheels with extremely low wear and tear properties.