TBS02B SDI-12模拟模块是用于传感器信号的a /D转换的SDI-12接口。TBS02B的A/D转换和配置由SDI-12命令控制。该模块是即插即用,针对成本敏感传感器应用。它提供低电流消耗,占地面积小,易于集成到传感器产品,需要SDI-12接口。必威体育app官方下载用户不需要花费任何时间来实现SDI-12协议和接口硬件,因为这是SDI-12 / ANALOG接口模块的一个组成部分。TBS02B包含一个完整的SDI-12传感器接口的所有必要组件。它包括SDI-12前端、控制器、晶体和无源器件。TBS02B是专门为那些主要考虑成本、性能、上市时间和易于集成的应用程序设计的。TBS02B也可安装在接线板上。TBS02A-IFB是一款8通道SDI-12到模拟接口板,用于传感器信号的A/D转换,主要是作为TBS02B模块的评估板设计的。 A/D conversion and configuration of the board is controlled via SDI-12 commands. The interface board is equipped with signal conditioning circuits for various input voltage ranges. It offers low current consumption and is built to fit into an off the shelf IP67 housing. Each channel can be independently scaled with a 3rd order polynomial to enable gain and offset calibration of the connected sensors. A built in thermal sensor offers additional versatility. The TBS02A IFB provides digital signals for the power management of the connected sensors.