气动操作悬挂枪,具有集成的TE300或TE450微处理器焊接控制单元。高生产率以合理的设计,尺寸减小,焊接能力高。高电效率。降低安装成本。完全封闭,橡胶保护,可轻松安全操作。密封轴承上的陀螺吊环与弹簧平衡器一起保证任何程度的准确的机动性。旋转锁定装置。大量武器,可以根据工作豁免来设置焊机。铬 - 铜电极保持器,用于重型和长寿命,设计用于直线和成角度的组装。可调节电极距离,可调节短工作冲程,用于重型占用。 Temporary extra stroke to reach the areas to be welded. Long working stroke to weld reinforcement ribs, jobs in areas difficult to be reached. Water-cooled transformer, with epoxy resin coated windings. Water cooled arms, electrode-holders and electrodes. Synchronous SCR contactor insulated from cooling water circuit with protection thermostat. Oiless chromium plated cylinder and shaft for heavy duty operation and long life.