LMK蓝光危险附加组件能够测量技术照明系统的蓝光组件。利用一种特殊的全玻璃滤波器进行光谱滤波,得到加权辐射Le(BLH) λ。这个附加组件可以根据EN62471标准进行分类,该标准涉及光生物安全。en62471标准涉及灯具和照明系统的光生物安全。它指定对眼睛的各种影响的极限值。其中,人类眼睛的蓝光危害(BLH)。可以通过度量来监视对这些限制和阈值的遵守情况。LMK的测量是基于全玻璃滤波器的光谱滤波来确定加权辐射Le(BLH) (λ)。根据风险组的标准化分类,必须使用一定的测量角度或孔径角:100 mrad(5.73°);11 mrad(0.63°)或1.7 mrad(约。 0.1 °). To measure the blue light hazard (BLH), the filter wheel of the LMK color must be equipped with a filter glass that is adapted to the sensitivity function for the blue light hazard. The measurement result when using the BLH filter glass is calibrated to the absolute radiation [W / sr * m²] weighted with BLH. If you use this filter glass to take a measurement image, the information provided in the measurement image is linked to the BLH weighted radiance Le (BLH) (λ).