TEC automation提供特殊机器的控制命令单元。这是一种用于滚动设备的车载机器。这台工业计算机以连接的设备为基础,实现了几种功能。该单元的主要用途是操作接口。它通过动态页面和相关图形提供了更好的任务显示。它还提供了更好的历史视图、打印报告和启动。电源为12v或24v。对于通信,它提供串行Modbus, TCP/IP Modbus和USB。这台电脑的鞋盒尺寸为240 x 230 x 104毫米。屏幕尺寸为382 x 302 x 56毫米,15英寸可嵌入。 The unit is suitable for industrial use. Let’s look at some example applications. In a driver/cab interface, it helps in facilitating operator dialogue with two screens and keyboards connected to the industrial PC. In process, it helps in fast task management by connecting to two PLC cards. It can also be connected to a TCP/IP input/output, both on-off and analog, module for slow task management.