Bravo Duo是一个恒流采样器,带有2个隔膜泵和双头!Bravo Duo的核心由两个抗侵蚀气体的隔膜泵组成。流量控制由微处理器板确保。两个独立的采样器在同一机箱!这意味着: - 用不同方法进行双重抽样;- 在运输过程中减去重量;- 访问采样区域期间所需的空间减少。从长途距离可见的外部彩色LED条带,在采样期间表示运行状态(OK,警告,警报,停止)。Bravo Duo能够执行恒定的流量或等足的采样,在需要时设置流量并校正它。如果要将一个Duo的采样行转换为执行自动等动力学采样,请将其连接到流动最佳:Bob是您的叔叔! On-board are installed: • An analog input is available to acquire an external flow measure; • 1 Atmospheric pressure sensor (to refer the sample at standard condition); • 1 Type K thermocouple input (Stack gas temperature measure); Main Features Automatic portable steady flow sampler, double independent sampling lines with micorprocessor based control Full flexibility to sample stack gas emission, outdoor air and IAQ High accuracy and stability of the flow measurement; Data display and acquisition of: DGM input gas temperature line1/line2; Environmental humidity (Optional); Atmospheric pressure (Optional); Instantaneous flow visualization durning sampling line1/line2; Total sampled volume line1/line2;