业界首创“i-TM”技术(自动上丝张力调整),现已应用于多头圆筒式机器,可用于成品。必威体育app官方下载它是关于i-TM提供最佳张力调整。调整时间缩短调整线张力需要时间。线张力调整容易(不必要)。操作员的结果不均匀。操作人员的技能水平参差不齐。消除因技能而产生的质量缺陷,新员工也积极主动。数字控制的压脚减少了织物的飘动,并给予精确和美丽的刺绣整理。它是理想的位置和材料,可以很容易摆动,如缝纫接缝,皮革,厚和/或弹性织物。它是理想的位置和材料,可以很容易摆动,如缝纫接缝,皮革,厚和/或弹性织物。 The DCP can be adjusted randomly according to the material thickness on the operation panel. It simplifies the mechanical process that was previously required and time consuming. ※DCP stands for Digitally Controlled Presser foot. Direct command switches Various operation switches and multi-color LEDs are located on the each tension base. Since all of the main functions of the operation panel can be manipulated in front of each head, the working efficiency of operators has been improved. Commonly used functions may be assigned to the custom switches.