混合我们的技术确保了液体的理想混合。混合方法包括稀释,中和,分裂,提取等。静态混合器通过三种混合原理的分裂,转化和反转,可以符合各种混合过程。与阵发性批量系统相比,它的再现性,精度和一致的混合优异。此外,静态混频器廉价以维持,节能和速度高效。我们携带各种各样的模型来处理所有类型的需求。均质化我们的技术确保了液体的精确均匀化。管道内部液体流量增加,从而可能很容易出现缺乏均匀性。因此,温度或粘度不均匀的问题可能导致产品中缺乏均匀性。必威体育app官方下载静态混合器的混合效果是由于内部的径向形状,其使混合的流体均匀地呈现。 Moreover, the simple form of our machine ensures a uniform mixing so that almost no deposits of fluid are left out. Another improvement can be noticed in the case of resin cast modeling, where the homogenization of molten materials, as well as their temperature and concentration are detected with a sensor which ensures the accuracy of measurements.