MacroCombi是一种独特的电极生产和电火花加工工具。MacroCombi结合了两个世界的优点。两个完美的系统合为一体。小电极和大电极都可以安装在同一个吸盘上。两个系统。一个夹头。没有适配器。总是有固定的参考资料。同样的卡盘适用于macroholder以其不可移动的稳定性和精度,而适用于小型、高性价比的MacroJunior holder。没有棘手的、耗时的重新设置。 Maximum flexibility! System 3R offers a complete range of combination chucks. Whatever chucks and accessories you need for your operations, we can provide them. Everything to ensure that you get the highest possible yield from your business, and that you always have access to a system that can tackle the tasks you need it to do. - One chuck, two systems, no adapters - Turbo locking bossts the clamping force - No bending forces. Locking mechanism separate from the references - Automatic air-blast cleaning Facts - Repetition accuracy: 0.002 mm - Recommended tightening torque, manual chucks: 4 Nm - Permitted torque, 25 mm holders: 10 Nm - Permitted torque, 30 mm holderss: 25 Nm - Maximum flushing pressure: 15 bar - Clamping force: 5 000 N