Sigpack RN平袋包装机帮助您实现长期成功。我们保证一个紧凑的解决方案,在小的足迹上具有最高的输出,包括可靠的重量控制,更少的产品损失,易于处理和清洁。必威体育app官方下载产品自由和缓慢流动的粉末,颗粒和颗粒从食品,制药和化学工业。包装材料热封复合膜如:PAP/PE;人民行动党/合金/聚乙烯;PET/ALU/PE包装式袋(平袋),用于制药粉末产品以及食品工业。必威体育app官方下载一种有吸引力和实用的包装风格,可以实现各种变体,如单袋,双袋或链袋。Sigpack RN基于健壮的结构,确保有效的多班操作。模块化伺服驱动功能和元素,使精确和重复的运动。人机工程学和设计易于访问所有机器部件,用户友好的操作高度和对产品流的良好可视性,使Sigpack RN的最佳和容易的操作。 The clear and modular structure enables good accessibility for operation, maintanance and cleaning. The Sigpack RN is designed with consideration of GMP guidelines. The primary packaging Sigpack RN is a multi-lane, vertical sachet machine optimized for the packaging process of sensitive powders or granules. The various feed technologies utilized are specific to the clients’ powder or granule, ensuring high speed, accuracy and reliability. Dosing technology For precise dosing of difficult flowing powders and granules, the Sigpack RN is equipped with either a patented auger filler or tipping filler.