VEICHI为客户提供OEM/ODM服务。GS00水泵一体机控制器将电机表面包裹起来,真正实现一体化设计。安装时只需要四个螺丝;电机和风扇也为电机和驱动器散热,降低了风扇故障率。2.电机保护功能多变频器基本保护功能;水泵独家保护功能(缺水保护、高低压保护、漏电保护、防冻绣保护、传感器断开保护)3。完美驱动各种水泵电机,如异步、永磁同步、同步磁阻等。高效调速风机高效风机同时耗散电机和驱动,风量大,噪音低。 5. Multiple key selection Mechanical key,touch screen key 6. Multiple pump control The pressure of the pipe network is detected by the host and sent to the auxiliary machine. When the pressure is not enough, the auxiliary machine starts and runs according to the set frequency, and the main machine performs constant pressure PID adjustment. Applications: Farmland irrigation, residential water, landscape fountains, swimming pool water supply, desert management Brochure and Manual: More details: