在2017年。当然扭矩正在推出完整的新产品系列:SmartLoadCell测量设备。SmartLoadCells是无线遥测的负载单元,可通过蓝牙连接到任何Android智能手机,因此智能手机将充当负载单元的显示器和控制器。SmartLoadCell应用程序将手机转移到非常复杂的早期测量设备。SmartLoadCell概念的一般好处: - 经济遥测系统,因为没有必要购买远程单元 - 智能手机具有更大的计算,图形和内存容量,如任何自定义开发的控制器(以较低的成本) - 智能手机used as background storage, but stored data’s are easy to transfer to pc via Bluetooth, wifi, internet or usb connection. - SmartLoadCells are extra small and light 1 - Overview The SLC-TPL1 Top Load tester is developed based on the ST-H6-T Top Load unit (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60PwVcgAJUQ ). The unit makes it easy to check the capper head’s top load without disassembling it from the capper machine. By moving the 2 handles the height of the TPL1 unit can be increase/decreased. So the capper head’s top load spring can be squeezed, and the force can be measured. The compression of the spring can be controlled on the mm-scaled rings on the tester.