悬臂臂的装载位置低于操作员视觉,可提供更好的可见性。吊杆设计和机器人焊接提供安全操作。尼龙垫是耐磨的,允许容易地接受检查和维护机器。140L / MIN活塞可变排量泵使得能够将悬挂悬挂,以快速速度延伸和缩回以便快速循环。锥形密封表面可以确保最高水平的可靠性和安全性。此外,用于工作装置的油管内置的繁荣使机器安全且漂亮。·驾驶室1.65米的驾驶室高度可以使操作员感觉更舒适。ROPS / FOP认证,宽玻璃可以给出更好的愿景。ISO设备可以在工作时绝缘噪音并软化振动。该机器采用可调悬挂座椅固定,可提供舒适的工作状态。 The controllability of the machine is improved by a proportional single-lever multi-function joy-stick, a large diameter steering wheel and an integrated dashboard, with gauge readout for easy monitoring. The powerful heating/cooling system has function of adjusting the temperature inside cabin and offers a maximum human comfort under any wheather condition. ·Size This machine is 2.49m wide and 2.62m high to reach a great maneuverability in applications and an artistic standard. The excellent weight/power ratio is an ideal proportion for working at construction site and mining field.