这是灵活生产的最佳解决方案!Sumitomo (SHI) Demag拥有超过60年的注塑机生产经验,能够为最多样化的驱动技术带来完美。这一经验的结果是第四代系统系列。伺服-液压技术结合最高的工程专业知识,使动态平行运动,只有一个液压回路。这使得噪音最小化,流程更稳定,能耗更低。让自己相信我们的能力、经验和技术。为了最大限度地减少能源消耗和噪音排放,我们的Systec机器配备了伺服液压驱动技术作为标准。与成熟的机器技术相结合的最高效率!Systec夹紧装置配备了成熟的肘杆技术。特殊的运动学保证了最佳的模具运动,最大的板平行度和均匀的力传递到注射模具。 Intelligent drive technology All the motion axes were analyzed and redesigned using state-of-the-art simulation software. The characteristics of the hydraulic elements have been precisely matched to the injection moulding process of the Systec machine. The intuitive control of Systec offers a multitude of advantages for your staff. Visually clear, structured and efficient options for process monitoring and control help the user to quickly find the optimal settings.