EDI 12 / 14/16拉杆高升降机,初始提升最小尺寸,最高用户友好性,最先进的电子控制和坚固耐力瑞士品质!特点:冲程高度高达4.8米的负载能力可达1600公斤免维护,平稳运行三相交流电机,速度最低,速度高。User-programmable microprocessor controller The side-mounted drawbar provides optimum visibility for handling and storing loads Advantages at a glance: Higher productivity Ideal handling High degree of flexibility A.C. drive motor with CAN bus technology Safe handling even on slopes Careful transport of materials and reduced vehicle wear Optimum response at all times Power saving Emergency motion system Best quality and long service life High serviceability Optimum price/benefit ratio Reasonable prices for spare/replacement parts