您需要一个灵活的解决方案来存储盒子和小物品吗?然后看看仍然搁架的架子!简单的结构和灵活的可扩展性和适应性是这种智能机架解决方案的特性。具有柔性高度和模块化设计的搁架部件和广泛的附件,仍然搁架的架子可以完全适应您的要求。你需要一个特殊的解决方案吗?联系我们!可以满足许多特殊要求。例如:倾斜的搁板,透明搁板,轮胎和轮辋的机架和齿条,以安全地存储危险液体和其他危险材料。您现有的存储空间太小了?没问题,我们可以实现多级系统高度为8米,可以优化现有的存储空间,而无需扩展给定的楼层区域。 Shelving racks – design Due to its various parts or components the shelving rack can be designed individually and in line with any demand. By cross beams, closed side walls or mesh walls, the frame of the rack can be individually extended. The shelving rack is completed by shelving levels available in different widths and designs. The technical design allows unit loads of up to 3 500 kg.