将装满的蒸馏桶插入STERISTEAM中。门关闭,然后通过液压缸自动锁定。在整个循环过程中,门是被机械堵塞的。外壳的预热采用直接蒸汽喷射的方式进行。预热温度可调节(如100°C - 0.2 bar)并将排气阀打开。可调周期(如5分钟)。加热阶段可启动。热是通过直接蒸汽喷射在外壳内产生的。每个篮筐之间进行分发。通过MPI监测刻度作用蒸汽阀的开度,直到达到设定温度,例如121°C。 In this heating-up phase, the fan is on. The operation of the fan is continually monitored. Condensates are stored in the lower part of the enclosure. Once the scheduled duration of the bearing comes to an end : pre-cooling starts. It is performed by injecting cold water in the vessel via two lateral spray headers. This water accumulates at the lower section in addition to the condensates previously accumulated. The water level is controlled by a radar level and managed by MPI. Once the set temperature is reached, final cooling is carried out by cascading recycled water on the load. How does the cascading system operates ? Recycled water is made with steam condensate previously accumulated in previous phases as well as water make up. The mixture is pumped at the sterilizer lower section through the secondary circuit of an external heat exchanger (plates and gaskets), and returned on water distributor laid out on top of the load to cool.