SOLIDA焊楔丝筛网是用圆丝压焊而成的筛网,用于筛分高磨耗物料的颗粒,筛网孔为10 ~ 200mm。它们是防震的,有大的,开放的屏幕面积和长使用寿命。SOLIDA焊接楔线筛通常生产并提供方形筛孔。然而,我们也可以生产定制的产品,有一个长的网格网格,一个大的开放的屏幕面积和更高的吞吐率与稍不精确的分离。筛板材质为高耐磨特钢,抗拉强度500 ~ 600n /mm²。我们还提供SOLIDA屏幕板耐腐蚀和耐热不锈钢。特殊的焊接渗透深度确保牢固的网粘直到屏幕面板达到其使用寿命结束。通常平面筛场是通过螺丝、楔子或夹紧装置固定在筛机上的。我们也提供丝网与张紧装置,虽然粗的电线实际上是不张紧的。屏幕面板按下。 We recommend additional central attachment. The screen field size is to be determined so as to ensure easy handling during transport and assembly. The overall screen surface should, if possible, be divided into screen fields of equal size so that they can be exchanged with one another in case of differing degrees of wear. We produce pressure-welded screen grids up to 1100 x 4000 mm in size, but we recommend to select screen fields with a side length of no more than 1000 mm.