XW-VI系列范围的笛卡尔机器人XW-VI系列垂直入口机器人代表了处理模制作品的理想解决方案。XW-VI系列的基本机器人配备了颜色触摸屏吊坠,操作员可以选择可从吊坠中选择的预设操作模式,或者直接使用免费编程进行编程。该系列具有许多优势,例如控制器STEC-520的巨大潜力,非常短的提取时间,5 CNC轴系列,最重要的是低功耗。极端多功能性XW-VI系列适用于自动化,例如金属插入装载操作,IML应用和与IMM旁边的特殊自动化的接口。通过将伺服驱动器安装在马车内部和控制器背面的控制器盒中,可以减少整个机器人尺寸。此外,由伸缩系统组成的垂直臂可降低机器人的总高度,从而提高运动速度。As the newest and most performing member of our controllers’ family, STEC 520A can operate in two different ways, based on the customer’s needs: operational modes programming (preinstalled operations), and free programming, with the possibility to save up to 999 different mould programs. Safety above all The collision detector of XW-VI Series STEC 520A controller detects forthcoming collisions with other objects and immediately stops the robot. Up to 5 levels of detecting and sensitivity can be selected. Moreover, the vibration control system controls vibrations on the vertical axis for the optimal operation of the unloader,