PRS10是一个超低相位噪声,10兆赫的铷自律晶体振荡器。该设备满足各种通信、同步和仪器仪表的要求。10 MHz输出的相位噪声足够低,可以用作合成器的参考源。该机组的短期稳定性和低环境系数使其成为网络同步的理想元件。它的低老化速率使其成为精密频率测量的极好时基。PRS10可以用1ns分辨率对外部1pps输入进行时间标记。这些值可以通过RS-232报告回来,或用于将单元锁相到外部参考(如GPS),时间常数为几个小时。该功能可以以非常低的成本提供地层1性能。PRS10建立了原子频率标准的特性和性能的新水平。它的设计提供了最低的相位噪声,最大的通用性,和最容易的系统集成的任何铷频率标准。 All commercial rubidium frequency standards operate by disciplining a crystal oscillator to the hyperfine transition at 6.834,682,612 GHz in rubidium. The amount of light from a rubidium discharge lamp that reaches a photodetector through a resonance cell will drop by about 0.1 % when the rubidium vapor in the resonance cell is exposed to microwave power near the transition frequency. The crystal oscillator is stabilized to the rubidium transition by detecting the light dip while sweeping an RF frequency synthesizer (referenced to the crystal) through the transition frequency.