通用(霓虹灯除外)检测从1- 2%下降到10ppm只需要氦载体和补充气体完美的补充TCD!氦电离探测器是一种“通用”探测器,它对除氖以外的所有分子都有反应。HID对于NOx、CO、CO2、O2、N2和H2等挥发性无机物质特别有用,这些物质在FID或其他探测器上没有响应。与FID不同,HID不需要氢气或空气。只需要氦气载气和补充气,HID提供的灵敏度在低ppm范围。对于那些出于安全原因不愿储存氢燃料气体的实验室来说,只含氦的HID是一个显著的优势。HID与TCD探测器结合使用尤其有用。TCD的灵敏度不足以检测低ppm浓度,而HID饱和在低百分比范围。当串联使用两个探测器时,可以覆盖10ppm到100%。不像其他的HID设计,SRI HID可以很容易地拆卸清洗。 The HID incorporates robust, easily servicable electrodes which support a low current arc through the helium make-up gas flow. This elevates the helium to a metastable state. When the metastable helium molecules collide with sample molecules as they elute from the column, the sample molecules are ionized and attracted to a collector electrode, amplified and output to the data system. Our HID features a window through which the low current arc is visible, so it is easy for the operator to verify that the detector is functioning.