用于原材料装夹、精密装夹和工件自动化。机电中心夹钳钳EZC优点:-能源效率没有任何能量转换电源只夹紧和松开必要-自锁系统夹紧力和夹紧宽度可以无级编程——控制夹紧力和夹紧情况可能(夹紧/松开)——直接连接到电机控制器可能适合pallet automation and workpiece automation - Compact drive system - 100% covered - Overall height optimized for the 5- and multi-axis machining - Suitable for external and internal clamping - Centering accuracy ±0,005 mm - Repetition accuracy 0,003 mm - Pairing accuracy 0,01 mm Explanation type: model length (mm)-width (mm) Type: EZC 220-80, EZC 280-100. Please specify the type when raising a request.