设计良好的蒸汽系统产生清洁的干蒸汽,在高压下输送——以最低的成本获得最好的蒸汽质量。在使用点通常需要低压蒸汽。有效的控制需要一个自动阀门,可以准确、可靠地降低蒸汽压力,成本适合应用。自动阀(无需外部电源即可操作)。气动信号和执行机构操作的阀门。一个设计良好的蒸汽系统将在锅炉房产生干净的干蒸汽,以便在高压下通过配网输送。这最大限度地提高了以最低的总成本产生和供应最佳质量的饱和蒸汽的潜力。然而,大多数应用需要在使用点降低压力,这样做的好处包括:•通过减少闪蒸,工厂的运营成本将会降低。•饱和蒸汽压力与温度直接相关。 Controlling the pressure will therefore automatically control the temperature avoiding the need for additional temperature control equipment. • The flexibility to reduce to various lower pressures through the plant to suit each particular application. However there are some applications that have a need to sense and control upstream of the valve to maintain or disperse excess pressure in the distribution pipeline in order to safeguard the equipment using it - this requires a pressure surplussing / maintaining valve. Two main groups of pressure control valve are available for either pressure reduction or surplussing applications: • Self-acting requiring no external power or input.