•将小陷阱视为可更换的物品更有意义。•避免了库存备件的成本和复杂性。•维护计划的规划最小化。•更换密封陷阱利用不可挽救的关节,从而消除了对大气泄漏的风险。机械蒸汽陷阱倒置桶机械蒸汽捕获我们的倒置桶蒸汽疏水阀采用经过精心验证的原理,依赖于蒸汽(Avapour)和冷凝物(液体)之间的密度差异。它们具有强大的设计,并包含一个简单的密度敏感桶和杠杆机制。如何倒置桶蒸汽疏水阀工作1.作为冷凝器到达陷阱,它形成了身体的水上inside。铲斗的重量将阀门保持阀座。冷凝水然后可以在铲斗的底部流出并从陷阱中流动。2.当蒸汽进入铲斗的下侧时,它放弃了浮力并且桶上升。 This positions the levermechanism such that the main valve ‘snaps’ shut due toflow forces. 3. The bucket will lose its buoyancy as the enclosedsteam condenses due to radiation losses and steamescapes through the vent hole. Once this happens theweight of the bucket will pull the valve off its seat and thecycle is then repeated. 4. Any air reaching the trap will also give the bucket buoyancy and close the valve preventing condensate flow. Thesmall vent hole positioned at the top of the bucket will lead air into the top of the trap. Because the vent hole at the top ofthe bucket is small in diameter it will vent air very slowly. Where the venting of air may be a particular problem, this canbe overcome simply by fitting an external air vent in parallel.