国际压缩空气监管机构描述IR1M和IRN1M Monnier国际压缩空气推荐器为一般用途系统提供精确的压力控制。主要特点: - 良好的流量特征。- 良好的调节特征。- 快速响应。- 无流动的无线关闭。- 用于线路,支架或面板安装。- 内部和外部高品质的黑色阳极阳极处理。有关以下选项的进一步技术信息,可选附件请参见第2页: - 防篡改帽。- 21型安装支架。- 安装环 - 铝。 - Pressure gauges With system pressure on, the regulator poppet valve assembly isin the closed position when the adjusting knob is turned fullycounter clockwise (no spring load). By turning the adjusting knobclockwise, the diaphragm / piston moves downward allowing flowto come in through the orifice created between the poppetassembly and seat. The control diaphragm / piston offsetting theload spring senses pressure downstream. Increasing downstreampressure causes the poppet assembly to move upward until theload of the spring and diaphragm / piston are balanced. The outletpressure has now been reduced. If a valve is opened downstream,the increased demand for pressure creates a reduced pressureunder the control diaphragm / piston. The poppet assembly movesdownward due to the load of the control spring opening the seatarea and air is allowed to meet the downstream pressure demand.Thus, the area of the opening meters the downstream flow