Spectrum Industries欢迎您在展示清洁和分拣设备的曲目方面。必威体育app官方下载Prisma&Maxima CCD摄像头带分拣机是一种在彩色分拣机上设计的单色和三色CCD相机。他们通过执行优异的不同产品进行优异的分类来执行高效的任务。必威体育app官方下载也是,它是生硬的花生,腰果,杏仁以及不自由流动的材料,如葡萄干,新鲜和脱水蔬菜,如洋葱,大蒜,胡萝卜立方体等;这些帮助您排序。PRISMA CCD相机使用先进的数字2048像素CCD线扫描摄像机。虽然Maxima CCD摄像机使用先进的5400像素X 3,三线性RGB,CCD线扫描相机进行其活动,以检查产品,尤其是已知的红色,绿色和蓝色区域,以检测甚至细微缺陷。高分辨率产品提供优质的产品。必威体育app官方下载该机器配有大型格式镜头,具有自动背光,可确保图像的最高质量。除此之外,它还包括产生高强度照明所需的LED实心照明。 This machine is widely appreciated to detect and reject over 20,000 objects/minute having a defect size if even 0.025 mm sq. The product that is produced at the end is compared with the set norms to check its quality using ultra-fast, long life, custom designed pneumatic ejectors. The user can operate this machine using computer with 15" Colour LED TFT screen that helps in viewing and monitoring the products. You can sort more than one product at the same time at same machine using pre-stored Algorithms.